Portarul Lukas Zima (31 de ani) a susținut azi prima conferință de presă în calitate de jucător al FCSB-ului. Din Antalya, acesta a vorbit despre transfer și planurile pe care le are pentru viitor. Sosit de la Petrolul, acolo unde era titular, Zima este gata să se lupte pentru un loc în echipa de start cu Ștefan Târnovanu, în cazul în care acesta nu pleacă. ...
This article (from Gazeta Sporturilor, a Romanian sports outlet) reports on Lukas Zima's first press conference after transferring to FCSB.
The primary focus seems to be Zima's comments about his new team and his views on FCSB's upcoming match against Târnovanu. The title suggests he might have expressed surprise or satisfaction with something he found at FCSB.
This article (from Gazeta Sporturilor, a Romanian sports outlet) reports on Lukas Zima's first press conference after transferring to FCSB. The primary focus seems to be Zima's comments about his new team and his views on FCSB's upcoming match against Târnovanu. The title suggests he might have expressed surprise or satisfaction with something he found at FCSB.